Morton Equipment MDE Scorpion Excavator Grabs & SX Grapples
Scorpion Excavator Grabs
MDE Scorpion Excavator Grabs are a must on every operator’s attachment list. One of the main key features of the grab is its ability to give you a breakout force like no other on the market. With its fixed front grapple you can easily pull-out tree stumps, clear overgrowth and stack rock armour. Scorpion Grabs can be used for demolition projects to take down buildings, pick out solid steels and timber with the hydraulic back grapple. Scorpion Excavator Grabs are a hydraulic attachment that can hold on to heavy material thanks to its’ powerful hydraulic cylinders. We offer a wide range of grabs with 5 models that suits excavators 1.5 – 30 tonne. The grabs are very simple to install and maintain. Connect the hydraulic pipes into your excavators’ auxiliary lines and you’re in full control of your grab. To maintain your grab all you need to do is grease hinge points daily.
Scorpion SX Excavator Grapples
Scorpion SX double arm Grapple built from HARDOX wear plate Scorpion SX can be used in harsh every day working environments loading materials in recycling, construction, agricultural, & logging industries. The Scorpion SX Grapple features a unique ability to be used as a industrial grab or saw unit, simply bolt on the saw unit and cut timber & fell trees. This innovative attachment integrates the precision of a chainsaw, with the versatility of an excavator grapple. Connect the Grapple Saw to an excavators hammer lines, and you’re in full control. Tree removal is a simple process. First, take a firm grip of the tree with the grapple. Then use the powerful hydraulic saw to create a cut. When timber is cut, it can be placed to a safe location. This ensures minimal damage to the surrounding environment, and improves safety for operators and equipment.
MDE Scorpion S1900 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX1650 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S1600 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX1400 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S1100 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX1250 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S1000 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX1100 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S900 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX850 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S750 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX700 Excavator Grapple
MDE Scorpion S500 Excavator Grab
MDE Scorpion SX Excavator Saw Unit
Morton Equipment
515546 11th Line Woodstock
Ontario Canada N4S 7V7
+1 (519) 617-0934